Main Street, Netherseal, Derbyshire DE12 8BZ

01283 760283

Netherseal St Peter's CE Primary School

We have the power to make a change and be the best that we can be

Summer Week 2

Hello Class 2 and your families and welcome to another week of home learning!  

You have all been doing some wonderful work and I am excited to see what you produce this coming week.  I would like to share with you a brilliant Weather Forecast video by Thomas.  This really made my day and I appreciate all of the effort that has gone into producing this.  I especially love how Thomas has used some of the apps that I recommended to you.  In this video, he has used 'Animate Anything' to make a picture of him seem like it is actually talking!  While we are apart, it's great to be reminded of all of the things about our class that make us smile and I hope you all enjoy this as much as the rest of the staff and I have! 

 TB weather.movDownload
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Look what your classmates have produced this week...

Media conversion failed.

A little something which will make you smile.....

Friday 1st May 2020

We have reached the end of another week of home learning and I have loved seeing some of the work that you are producing! Keep it up.  I am really proud of all of you.


Today, I have uploaded Target Your Maths which will help you to practise the skills you have been learning throughout the week.  You should be familiar with this by now.  Your title will be 'Target Your Maths'. Don't forget to underline it.

Why not play some more of the BBC Bitesize game from Tuesday when you have finished? 

Click here to play the Maths game

 Year 3 Target Your Maths.JPGDownload
 Year 3 TYM Answers.JPGDownload
 Year 4 Target Your Maths.JPGDownload
 Year 4 TYM Answers page 74.JPGDownload
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 Continue with your non-chronological report.  There is an updated English and Topic instruction sheet in the box below.  For those of you who complete this and would like to do something different, I have uploaded lots of craft ideas for you to have a look at.  These are just ideas in case you have finished and you are keen to do something else.  I'm sure I will see some wonderful creations! 

Don't forget to keep checking out our pages to see if you can spot your work and to see pictures of your friends.  I hope you all have a lovely weekend and I will be back next week to start Week 3 of Summer Term home learning.  

 3D pyramid.pdfDownload
 Egyptian Craft.pdfDownload
 Egyptian Mummy Instructions.pdfDownload
 Egyptian Mummy Paper Model Pack.pdfDownload
 English and Topic.pdfDownload
 model sphinx.pdfDownload
 snake headband.pdfDownload
 word search.pdfDownload
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Thursday 30th April

 I hope you have enjoyed looking at some of the work and photographs that I have been uploading to the main page and our weekly pages. I will keep adding more as I receive it.

Here are your learning activities for Thursday.


Choose either the Year 3 or Year 4 White Rose task, read the instructions carefully and work through the tasks.  It's really important that you watch the videos as they will break it down and help you to practise and complete the activities.

 Year 3 Maths.pdfDownload
 Year 4 Maths.pdfDownload
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Today and tomorrow, carry on with your non-chronological report.  Read the information on the 'English and Topic' sheet first.  I have added some templates that you might like to print out or copy (use the blank ones) and also a Success Criteria which you can use to reflect on your finished work.  This work does not have to be completed until Monday but as it says on the instructions, I will check back in with you tomorrow to leave some creative ideas for what you could be doing if you get it finished and you want to keep busy.

 English and Topic.pdfDownload
 Success Criteria.pdfDownload
Showing 1-3 of 3

Wednesday 29th April 2020

Well, Class 2, what a change in the weather! We have become so used to the lovely, warm sunshine that this rain seems a bit different.  Hopefully, it won't last too long.  We have been very lucky so far that the weather has been kind to us and we have been able to spend lots of time outside.


Below is a link to a website that we really like at Netherseal - 'Books for Topics'.  It is full of great recommendations for books that cover all different areas of learning.  Click below to see some fantastic books about Ancient Egypt.  You don't have to buy any of these - I just thought it might be useful.  

Ancient Egypt topic books


On the main Class 2 page, under 'Class 2 Recommendations',  I have uploaded lists of recommended reads for Years 3 and 4, in case any of you are wanting ideas for some exciting new texts to enjoy reading. Why not take a look or just see if you have already read any of these books?

Here are your learning activities for Wednesday. For Maths, we will carry on with the next White Rose lesson in the series.  It's important that we complete this unit on fractions and decimals before we move on to new units where we can again build in some more practical learning. The links are below:

 Year 3 Maths.pdfDownload
 Year 4 Maths.docx.pdfDownload
Showing 1-2 of 2


So far, you should have completed your research and made some notes about an Egyptian landmark of your choice.  You should have also reminded yourself about the main features of a non-chronological report.  It's now time to start planning your writing.  I have uploaded a mind-map to show you what sort of things you could include in your report.  There is also a blank one that you could use for your own plan.  This is just to plan the contents, in other words, what each paragraph of your report could be about.  You will build in the rest of the features that you found when you come to write it.  Don't worry, I will guide you through these when we come to do that.  

After you have completed your plan, you should start to think about the title of your report and draft an Introduction.  There are some helpful suggestions on the 'English and Topic' link. I am looking forward to finding out what you have decided to report on!

 English and Topic.pdfDownload
 Non-chronological report help.pdfDownload
 Non-chronological report planner.docx.pdfDownload
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Tuesday 28th April 2020

Wow! I am overwhelmed by the fabulousness of the work that you carry on producing, Class 2!  I am seeing some wonderfully creative work - please keep it coming.  It doesn't matter if it is from previous weeks or work that was set a while ago that you have only just completed.  The most important thing is that you have enjoyed your learning.  As we keep saying, the activities that we send each day are only suggestions so you can do as much or as little as is best for you - and you can complete it in as much or as little time as you need.  I have uploaded most of the work that has been sent in so make sure you have a look for yours. I hope you enjoy seeing photographs of your friends and their work.  I will continue to upload pictures and videos as they come in so keep checking the different Class 2 pages for updates.

Here are your learning activities for Tuesday.


I have uploaded two different Arithmetic tests as well as a link to a game.  More instructions are on the 'Maths' document.  Choose either a test, or the game or why not do both?!

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English and Topic

 Read through the 'English and Topic' instruction sheet.  Complete your research, then choose one of the non-chronological report examples to carry out the second task.  If you are completing this in your English book, your title should be: 'Features of a Non-Chronological Report'.

 English and Topic.pdfDownload
 non-chron 1.pngDownload
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Monday 27th April 2020

Here are your home learning activities for Monday.  Please remember to continue to practise your reading and Times Tables every day if possible.


Choose either the Year 3 or Year 4 Comprehension work - whichever you would usually work on in the classroom.  You can either print out these sheets or you can answer the questions in your English book.  If you are using your English book, remember to write the long date at the top of your page, underline it, miss a line then write the title.  Your title will be the same as the one at the top of the sheet.



 We will be using some White Rose materials again this week.  Choose either the Year 3 or Year 4 work and complete the work as directed on the activity sheet that you download.



Complete your Weather Forecast work, then have a browse through the links at the bottom of the Topic activity page.


I hope you enjoy your activities today.  I will look forward to seeing some pictures of you and the work that you produce.

 Egypt colouring.pdfDownload
 English Comprehension Year 3.pdfDownload
 English Comprehension Year 4.pdfDownload
 Maths Year 3.pdfDownload
 Maths Year 4.pdfDownload
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