Main Street, Netherseal, Derbyshire DE12 8BZ

01283 760283

Netherseal St Peter's CE Primary School

We have the power to make a change and be the best that we can be

Monday 23rd March 2020



In your ‘10 for 10 booklets’, complete day one of the reading, arithmetic, reasoning and GPaS.


In your English book, based on the Pobble image uploaded below, create a story mountain for your short story. Then use the Year 6 success criteria for writing, also uploaded on the Class 1 Home Learning home page, to create target sentences which you will include in your story. Title: Short Story Plan




Complete one round of ‘Times Table Rock Stars’ and then choose and complete A, B or C of the uploaded volume sheet, in your maths book. Title: Volume


Continue reading the next chapter of the ‘Butterfly Lion’ (P101 – P112) and complete the ‘Action, Description, Dialogue’ sheet uploaded below, by recording your answers in your English book. Title: The Butterfly Lion – Action, Description, Dialogue


In your English book, based on the Pobble image uploaded below, create a story mountain for your short story. Then use the Year 5 success criteria for writing, also uploaded on the Class 1 Home Learning home page, to create target sentences which you will include in your story. Title: Short Story Plan 


Seed Planting

Using the science investigation sheet uploaded below as a guide, plan an investigation for your seeds, in your topic book

e.g. How does the location of the seed, affect how long it takes the seed to grow?

       How does the amount of compost, affect how long it takes the seed to grow?

You could either split your seeds up in order to do this investigation or you could contact a friend/some friends and each of you could do something different with your seeds in order to answer your question, but remember to only change one factor, otherwise it will not be a fair test. If you choose to work with a friend/friends you could regularly send photos to each other to share the progress of each other’s seeds.

You will need to plan up to and including the results table. You will then be ready to plant your seeds tomorrow and you can record the progress of your seeds in the results table as you go along. The conclusion and investigation will have to wait until later in your investigation!

 Pobble 360_risemachine.pdfDownload
 Science Investigation.docDownload
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Year 5 Maths Resources:

Please make sure you read the explanation of volume found in 'Year 5 Maths Volume' below, before choosing your challenge (A, B or C).

 B and C.jpegDownload
 Year 5 Maths Volume.jpegDownload
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