Main Street, Netherseal, Derbyshire DE12 8BZ

01283 760283

Netherseal St Peter's CE Primary School

We have the power to make a change and be the best that we can be

  1. News
  2. Phased re-opening for children of 'Key Workers'

Phased re-opening for children of 'Key Workers'

29 May 2020 (by admin)


I hope you’re enjoying the half term sunshine!

As my email on Friday explained, Netherseal will be welcoming the children of key workers back to school on Monday 1st June (no other groups will return until Phase 2). I will contact you with any news regarding a wider re-opening as soon as I receive updates and guidance from Derbyshire County Council.

Below is a quick reminder of the details of our return (children of key workers only):

  • The school day will remain the same: Mon-Thurs 8:50 – 3:30pm Friday (early finish) 8:50 – 3:00pm
  • If anyone within the household becomes unwell, you must contact school immediately so that you can self-isolate as a family
  • If any child becomes unwell in school, they will be isolated and sent home. If a child or staff member tests positive, the rest of their school group will be sent home and advised to self-isolate for 14 days
  • Children should line up, adhering to social distancing markers
  • Only one parent should drop-off and collect. Please observe social distancing markers along the perimeter wall. NO parent or visitor is allowed on the premises. Any conversations/queries should be made via email or telephone
  • Please wash hands before leaving home. Ideally, children should wear freshly washed clothes every day. Uniform is optional but children should wear something comfortable with appropriate footwear so that they can participate in PE type activities (PE kit should not be sent). Parents and pupils are advised to wash their hands as soon as they get home and put clothes straight into the laundry.

All children will need the following - to avoid transmission of the virus it is really important that everything is clearly named:

  • Packed lunch
  • Snack (optional)
  • Water bottle
  • Sun screen and hat if it is sunny

*No book bags/home learning books/ reading books etc should be sent to school

Any pupils eligible for free school meals, universal free school meals (KS1 pupils) and pupils who normally have school dinners will be offered a Derbyshire Catering ‘Grab Bag’ which contains a sandwich, drink and fruit from Tuesday. Mrs Knowles will discuss this with you individually on Monday morning.

Please note that children are likely to follow the same curriculum as children doing home learning.




Our Behaviour Policy has been revised to reflect the new routines and we will be implementing additional school rules in relation to coronavirus to help keep your children safe. (Linked to the Behaviour Policy Addendum I circulated last week).

Pupils will be reminded of these precautionary measures sensitively and regularly during the school day but we are very mindful that they are children and there may be times when they forget – we will do our best! However, it would be useful if you could discuss them at home before the return to school to alleviate any anxieties and reinforce how they can keep themselves and others safe.

All children are expected to

  • Come into school using their designated door and observe social distancing when lining up
  • Wash hands or use hand sanitiser and go straight to their room
  • Cloakrooms will not be used, coats must be put on the back of chairs and lunch boxes on the spare part of the desk
  • Sit at their designated desk – chairs should not be moved
  • Follow school instructions on hygiene, such as handwashing and sanitising
  • Follow instructions on moving around the school
  • Follow expectations about sneezing, coughing, tissues and disposal (‘catch it, bin it, kill it’) and avoid touching their mouth, nose and eyes with hands
  • Tell an adult if they feel unwell
  • Follow rules about sharing any equipment or other items including drinking bottles
  • Use their own labelled books, pencils, rulers etc
  • Not to cough or spit at or towards any other person
  • Go to the toilet one at a time, wash hands carefully and put paper towels into the bin

    To keep staff and children safe, government advice is clear and we expect all pupils to adhere to this as far as is practicable.

    Staff will refer pupils to the headteacher who persistently resist COVID-19 related rules and procedures. Where it is felt that pupils are putting themselves or others at risk, parents will be informed. In extreme cases, exclusion will be considered. The Authority’s exclusion procedure will be implemented as a last resort, in full consultation with parents. The Chair of Governors will be informed at an early stage.