Main Street, Netherseal, Derbyshire DE12 8BZ

01283 760283

Netherseal St Peter's CE Primary School

We have the power to make a change and be the best that we can be

Summer Week 4


Hello Class 3 and welcome to another week of home learning!

I hope you have had a wonderful Bank Holiday weekend and enjoyed the sunshine - maybe some of you celebrated VE Day with your family?

Take a look at some of the fabulous work our class did last week. Please keep sending in those photographs, we love seeing what you are doing!

Well, can you believe it's Friday again already? And wow, you've been working hard all week -  I'm very proud of you! Take a look at the photographs of some of our science investigations, and we have the results for the balloon investigation in the video clip below!

Today you have a choice of activities. There is a pdf document in the file box with a list of ideas but you might also like to try some of the links I have included above:

Play some maths games on Top Marks; you could get active and try the link to Active Derbyshire - week one is golf! Or you could try the Derbyshire online resources. There are story writing competitions, drawing sessions, PE with Jo, music - the list is huge!

What will you choose?

Have a wonderful weekend!

 Class 3 Friday 15th
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Thursday 14th May

Hello Class 3!

I hope you enjoyed yesterday's activities. Remember that you had yesterday and today to complete them so I look forward to finding out what you learned doing your science investigations and seeing pictures of your addition and subtraction books/posters/PowerPoints!

In school we decided to find out whether a small paper aeroplane flew further than a bigger paper aeroplane. We planned it out and tested it, so all we have left to do is record what we did. Can you guess which aeroplane went the furthest? Why do you think that?

Another fabulous investigation with balloon rockets: Which balloon will make the rocket go the furthest, can you make a prediction? Take a look at the video below:

Wednesday 13th May

 Good morning Class 3!

I hope you enjoyed finding out about pulls and pushes. Molly sent me a lovely Push Pull collage - can you work out which pictures show pushes and which pictures show pulls?

I have also added some more online resources to the online learning page.

The Derbyshire page has a fantastic range of ideas and the Active Derbyshire link has some wonderful physical activities to keep you moving!

All of today's activities are a bit longer so you have two days to complete them. You can decide which tasks you do today - you might want to start the maths and go back to it tomorrow or you might want to finish it all today and then do the topic task on Thursday - it's up to you.

Maths is to create a problem solving book. Please click on the link below:

Wednesday 13th May Maths Activity.pdf

English and topic go together - I would like you to plan, carry out and write up a scientific investigation.

Take a look at the Topic pdf to find out what the investigation is (File box page 2 below). It would be great to see some photographs!

Parent folder
 Image 1.jpgDownload
 Image 2.jpegDownload
 Image 3.jpgDownload
 Image 4.jpgDownload
 Image 5.jpgDownload
 Image 6.jpgDownload
 Image 7.jpgDownload
 Investigation template 2.pngDownload
 Investigation template 3.pngDownload
 Investigation template.pdfDownload
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Tuesday 12th May

Today we are going to practise our grammar and carry on practising our arithmetic. We are also going to be thinking about forces in motion but don't forget that you shouldn't worry if you can't do all of the activities - just do your best!


EYFS: Counting and Ordering to 20 Home Challenges - you can do as many or as few as you like!

Year 1: Counting on and Back. You can download the activity and print it out or write the calculations into your maths books under the title Counting on and Back. Remember one digit per square. D star is slightly easier, E star is a little harder. GD star is tricky!

Year 2: Adding and subtracting mosaic. You can download and print the activity, copy it out (or ask and adult to help) or just write the calculations in your maths book under the title Adding and Subtracting Mosaic. There are three activities - try any of them or all of them! I wonder what the picture will be? Could you invent your own mosaic?



EYFS: Rhyming odd-one-out strips. Listen to the sounds in the middle and at the end of the words - do they sound 'a bit the same' or different? Which words rhyme and which is the odd-one -out? You can download and print the sheets then circle the odd-one-out or copy the list of words (ask an adult to help if you need to) in your English book and circle the odd-one-out. Your title is Rhyming. Can you make up your own odd-ones-out?

Year 1: Look at the Year 1 'Writing a Sentence' PowerPoint to slide 13 then try the activity sheet 'Making a Sentence'. You can download this and print or write in your English book under the title Making a Sentence

Year 2: You have a choice of three SPAG mats: 'One Star' is a little easier, 'Two Stars' is a bit harder and 'Three Stars' is a challenge. Download and print or write in your English book with the title SPAG Mat 1.

Parent folder
 Activity Sheet Making a Sentence.pdfDownload
 EYFS Counting and Ordering Numbers to 20.pdfDownload
 EYFS Rhyming Odd-One-Out Strips.pdfDownload
 SPAG Mat Summer Week 1 One star.pdfDownload
 SPAG Mat Summer Week 1 Three Stars.pdfDownload
 SPAG Mat Summer Week 1 Two Stars.pdfDownload
 Writing a sentence PowerPoint.pptDownload
 Year 1 counting on and back.pdfDownload
 Year 2 adding and subtracting mosaic.pdfDownload
Showing 1-9 of 9

Monday 11th May

Today you have maths, English and a brand new topic 'Forces'!

Please remember that all of the activities we are sending are only suggestions! You can challenge yourself, adapt the activities, have a break and come back to it or just leave it - you choose!

I have added a couple of links below to some additional activities. You might want to do these as well or instead of the daily tasks.


Remember, you can use things around your house to help you with your maths eg. pasta, toy cars, toy figures, building bricks, tins from the kitchen etc.

If you are hungry for more maths, try BBC Bitesize Karate Cats 'Addition and Subtraction'.

EYFS: There is a document below called ' EYFS adding activities sheet'. There are three levels of difficulty - which one will you choose? 'One Star' is a little easier, 'Two Stars' is more difficult and 'Three Stars' is the most difficult.

If you can't print it out, don't worry, you could write the addition calculations in your maths book or ask an adult to help. Don't forget to write the title  Adding.

Year 1: Remember we can use a number line to count on and back.

First, take a look at the 'Year 1 Counting On and Back Revision pdf below. Have a go at the activities at the bottom of the sheet.

Then try the 'Year 1 Counting On and Back' task sheet. You can download and print this or write straight into your maths book.

Your title is Counting On and remember, one digit per square.

You could use objects around the house or a number line to help. (You could print this off from the files list below or draw one yourself.)

Year 2: Remember, we can use a hundred square to help us add and subtract.

First, take a look at 'Year 2 Revision Adding and Subtracting One and Two Digit Numbers' sheet in the files below. Have a go at the activities at the bottom of the sheet.

Then try 'Snappy Maths Adding and Subtracting'. You can choose set A or set B (or even both!). Write the calculations in your maths book. Your title is                                    Adding and Subtracting and remember to use one digit per square. (There is a hundred square in the pdf files list or you could draw one with help from an adult.)


 Class 3 maths 4
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EYFS and Year 1: Read the story on the PowerPoint 'The Zoo Vet'.

EYFS: Look at the 'Zoo Pet' question sheets in the pdf files below. Try answering the 'One Star' questions - an adult can help you read them. You do not have to write down the answers if you don't want to!

You could then practise your phonic blending with the 'SATPIN Read and Race Game 'from the pdf files list, or why not make up your own game?

Year 1: Choose the 'Two Star' or 'Three Star' questions. Write the answers in your English book with the title Zoo Vet, or download and print the sheets. Remember, 'Two Stars' are a little easier and 'Three Stars' are more challenging.

You can read the story again on your device or download and print then use a highlighter, but you MUST find the answers to the questions from the text: Use your 'pointy finger' to prove you have the right answer!

Year 2: Hopefully, the bean seeds we sent home when school first closed are growing now. I wonder if the lifecycle of sunflowers is the  same or different to the bean seeds you planted?

Read the non-fiction text about sunflowers from the document list below. Can you remember what non-fiction means?

Remember to choose the right level text and answers for you: 'One Star' are a little easier, 'Two Stars' are a little harder and 'Three Stars' are the most challenging.  You can read  the text again from your device or download and print but you MUST find the answers IN THE TEXT. Use your 'pointy finger' or a highlighter to prove you have the right answer!

Your title is Sunflowers.


 Class 3 English 4
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Today we are starting a brand new topic: Forces

Remember, you can  adapt these activities, come back to them later, do as much or as little as is right for you!

Forces are all around us! Can you name different ways things move? eg bounce, roll, bend

How many ways can you think of? Can you think of 5? 10? More? Look around your house and garden.

In your topic book, write the title How Do Things Move?

EYFS: Draw five different ways things can move eg. a bouncing ball

Year 1: Draw and write sentences for five different ways of moving. Remember capital letters, full stops and finger spaces. eg. A ball can bounce and roll. A yo-yo can spin. etc

Year 2: Draw and label as many sentences as you can. You should use an adjective and powerful verbs eg. The rubber ball will bounce on the bumpy surface. The brightly coloured yo-yo spins down its long string.

If you get stuck, you could look at the 'Moving' PowerPoint below and do the simple quiz or go outside and see some forces and movement in action eg. kicking a ball; sliding down a slide!

I have put Year 1 and 2 word mats for forces in the file list below. These show the words we need to learn and use.

Moving Powerpoint

Year 1 Pushes and Pulls Word Mat

Year 2 Forces in Action Word Mat